So, anyway, I just wanted to say a little "hi" and share the good and bad news that had happened in my school. Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news first? I think you would want to hear the Bad News before the Good ones. Okay... Here it goes.
- I had gotten into the top two classes in my school, but only six of my other classmates followed me to the same class I had gone to.
- All the girls in my new class, Teamwork 1, are grouped in cliques and groups, so it may be hard to find a whole - class group and settle there.
- My best buddies are not in my class, so I'm quite lonely sometimes.
- Only one of my good friends are in my class :(
- I may not have time to post on this blog regularly anymore in the next school year.
So that's the bad news. But anyway, here's the good news!
- I am fourth in position among the whole of the 289 pupils in the Primary 3 level.
- I am in the first class! :)
- I am the top scorer in English!
- Today is the last day of the School Year!
- I have enough time to post on this blog regularly in the December Holidays!
- I am going on a 15 - day trip overseas!
- I am attending the Prize - Giving Ceremony that only Prize - Winners are allowed to attend!
Ah well... I think that this is the end of my Mostly - All - About - Me (MAAM) post. See you later! I hope to see you here at my Blog again soon!
Sincere Regards,
Kirsten Clare M. Negapatan