Monday, 8 April 2013

Please ignore all the earlier posts...

Dear Readers,    

Hey again... I'm really embarrassed because I was just reading the posts that I had posted in the early days of my blogging, and they seem very insensitive, and I'm really sorry about how immature and... Very mean... They might seem. So I guess... Please just ignore all of the earlier posts that were from 2011. I wasn't as careful with my words as I think I am now, so my points are more bluntly put and they might have hurt some people. I don't think I can delete blog posts, so all I can say is that I'm so, so sorry about everything. I'll try my best to be more careful with what I say from now on... 

Sincerely Sorry,

Hamster's Gazette: Issue 2

The Hamsters' Gazette
Issue #2

Editor Missing From His Cage
    Hamsterville is absolutely devastated after a search for long-missing editor, Mr Winter Snow, does not end well. After a long and treacherous expedition to the human world, led by our most courageous hamsters, we have heard news of where he's gone, but it's not pleasant at all: Mr Winter Snow has gone missing.
    One of his owners, Miss Kirsten Clare, was speaking about him tearfully one night to her family members, and as we listened intently, we all heard about what had happened. 
    "It's so sad," she had said, in a barely audible whisper, "and I'll miss him. I know it's been a very, very long time since Wint's disappeared from his cage, but I'm still worrying about where he's gone. Now he's... Disappeared... And I've lost him, just as I've lost my two Sayfers. It's so sad..." She repeated.
    When Mr Winter Snow's closest friend, Miss Darkiette De Pauline, heard about this, she said that she was absolutely stumped by Mr Snow's disappearance, but she still had hope that perhaps her dear friend was still alive somewhere, perhaps in another town, thinking about all of the citizens in Hamsterville just as they were thinking about him.

Written by Mr Bernard Vacciete


I'm back!

  Hey everyone! It's me again... And I'm really, really sorry for not posting for such a long time... Again. But now I'll add it to my list of "Homework", just so that I'll remember that I have something fun to do when things start to get boring.

  So how are you guys? I don't know if I know you very well, but I'm going to ask all the same. I think the last time I posted, it was about my lost Student Smartcard, and I'm still feeling really bad about that, although some of the guilt has washed away over time. Still determined not to lose the new one, though... But it's really a pity that I can't just look in my wallet and say, "Oh, look! That was me when I was in Primary 1.", because almost everyone's doing that this year. I suppose it's because of the hormones which are kicking in... Now all the boys want to see all the girls' photos and vice versa. And I so do not want to get caught in the middle of that.

  Okay. Let's slowly just move away from that topic, and...
  It's APRIL!!! :) You might be wondering why I'm so happy about that fact, but if you can remember, by birthday's happening right on the day when May comes to make her grand appearance and brings us all into her special month. So it's less than a month away, and one of the best things about it is that it's going to be a public holiday! Now everyone can sleep in and relax, and have time to de-stress themselves before they're launched back into the agonizing exam term. Notice how I said "back"? Well, the exams are coming up a bit earlier than usual for the students of our quaint little school, so that our year won't end a week late. That means that the exams are earlier... And the holidays are coming sooner than usual, too! It's finally going to be the June holidays... No school for one whole month. I know it's not as long as the three-month summer than the students in the United States have, but still, it's a break worth waiting for! Hmm... I can still remember when I nearly forgot how to sing the school song after a whole month of not singing it. Yikes... Hope that doesn't happen to me this year!

  So... Yes, I'm nearly turning eleven. Ripe, old age... And it's so close to teenagerhood, too. That's a bit sad... Soon, I'm going to be sent to do things on my own, and no one will be there to support me or guide me next time, either. That's one of the sad realities about growing up - if you listen to Taylor Swift's songs, then you'll know that, in her album entitles "Fearless", there's a song called "Never Grow Up". It's one of her very sad country songs, and I really like it, mainly because it's undeniably honest.

  I guess that's about it for now... Until next time, folks, and thanks for reading! :)

With the Warmest Regards,
Kirsten Clare.