Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Science Exam tomorrow! :( / :)

  Hey everyone! :D Right now I don't know whether to be happy or sad, because the Science exams are coming soon. On one hand, I love Science - it's my favourite subject - so I'm kind of looking forward to seeing the new challenges that the examination setters have in line for us (note: kind of), but on the other hand, I'm pretty nerveux because Science exams are generally unpredictable and I don't know what to expect. :( And... Well, in the study tips that my teachers gave us around one week prior to today, they told us to at least score 5 marks more than what we had scored for the last exam in SA1 (Semestral Assessment 1) and that's going to be haaaaarrrrdddd. :( 

  I'm sorry for not posting for a long time again. I know that I've promised more posts a lot of times, and that I've never been able to fulfill those promises, so... I'm sorry. :( I don't think I'll be able to post much at any time, but if you have some free time, maybe you could look at Rachael's blog...? I'll just ask her first. It's her blog, after all, and I don't have the right to do anything with her stuff unless she allows me to do it.

  UAJdhlkehr. :( I think I've lost my flair for writing... So I guess I'll go now. I've got some Science exams to study for. :)

  Au revoir, and a bientot! 
 (P.S. I'm practicing my French... If you can't understand it, here are the definitions of all of the French words that I've used here along with some more that I can remember. #BadMemory :P)

  Au revoir -> Goodbye!
  A bientot -> See you soon!
  Nerveux -> Nervous
  En avoir marre -> Fed up
  Bon nuit -> Good evening!
  Salut -> Hello!