Saturday, 9 April 2011

The power of the book

  Do you like reading? If you do, do you think you benefit from it? How? But if you don't like reading, then it's time to get you from an all-star sports guy to an all-star sports and reading person. Of course, you don't need to be. But, if you want to do better in your composition, it's what's better than just doing nothing and failing for your comprehension exam... Right? So, I'm saying... If you're not into reading thick books, calm down and take up reading a good, thin book with pictures to help you get fascinated. That's the beginner's level. But as you go on reading those tiny books, you will find some kind of passion for reading.  If you do, you're ready to go on to the intermediate level. Start reading the books with 50 - 100 pages, and with no pictures this time. If you read a really exciting book, like, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(sorry if I misspelled it), for example, then you'll have even more passion for reading. Well, if you feel that... CONGRATULATIONS! You are ready to progress to the Expert level. Try reading some non-picture books, over 400 pages. If you can, viola!! Now you should try the platinum level. Try writing the stories now. Hmm... Sounds like quite a challenge, eh? But, as you write, you'll be surprised that you can write with ease, and when your comprehension exam comes along, you even might get an A+! You will be so proud.... And you will be happy that you've discovered the power of the book.

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