Wednesday 4 May 2011

A hamster's news

  Hey again. Hamster news is what this blog entry is all about. I've created a kind of news called the Hamster's Gazette, the news which I will be posting on this blog. The Hamster's Gazette is news on Hamsterworld, Winter Snow's world. In case you forgot, Winter is my Pearl Winter White hamster. Less on the Hamster's Gazette now, and back on the news. Winter has been improving his eating habits lately, and I've been feeding him yummy treats that I bought from the pet store to get him excited about the flavor of the food. The sunflower seeds help, too, and now, every time at breakfast, lunch and diner, I don't have to feed him anymore. He goes there by himself to have a sunflower seed or a peanut. And water? He drinks almost every once a half - hour! He's been doing great, putting equal time into excerscise, eat, drink and sleep. He's been growing healthily, though his lifespan is only up to 2 - 3 and a half years. Still, I love him! And just remember that now every post will be on Winter. Look for the Hamster's Gazette if you want to learn more about hamsters. Now, I have another post to be working on. Bye!

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